I use to laugh at my Mom when she would say that the years kept going by faster and faster. Well she was right. I can’t belive we are already into 2021. It’s a good thing. Here are the pieces from the January Artisan Souls Gallery show.
You can see some of my latest work in my shop.
If you want to see all the amazing artists and artwork that is being presented through the gallery, go to facebook.com/groups/artisticsoulsgallery.

Ice Fields – SOLD
I love winter, the cold crisp air, the textures of snow and ice, the deep cold blues… When I saw this stone it reminded me of glaciers. I dream of being able to go back to the some of the glacier fields I have visited, to hear the cracking and the chiming of the ice crystals.
Chrysocolla is associated with tranquility, peace, intuition, patience and unconditional love. Native American cultures believe it strengthens the body’s resistance to illness and emotional duress. Maybe we should make this the official stone of 2021.
The pendant is approximately 2 ¼ inch x 1 ½ inch on an 24 inch chain.

Equalibrium – SOLD
I often dream of dancing, the balance required for the moves. I had the honor of seeing Baryshnikov dance, I was very close to the stage. I remember marveling as he held a pose, that not a single muscle was twitching in the leg that was supporting him, perfect balance.
Cuprite stimulates and balances the root chakra making one feel vita, secure and supported.
This pendant is approximately 1 7/8 inch x 1 inch on an 18 inch chain

Aventurine Bubble Earrings -SOLD
With Champagne being associated with New Years, I dream of bubbles. These earrings are part of the Bubble Collection
Wear them anywhere to add a subtle pop of sparkle and color.
Aventurine is known as the stone of prosperity so they are perfect for the new year ahead.

Heart Magic – SOLD
Who couldn’t use a little more love and heart magic in their life? And the world as a whole…
Eudialyte is a lively, uplifting and energizing heart stone, and here it gets an extra boost with the energizing and regenerative qualities of garnet.

Shadow Woods – available
One of the cool things about living near the woods is all the patterns and shadows that they create, especially in the winter. This stone reminded me of that stark beauty.
Plume Agate is known for improving creative visualization, boosting confidence, overcoming fear and relieving stress.
This pendant is approximately 2 1/4 inch x 5/8 inch on an 18 inch chain