Welcome to Dona Miller Studio
all about creating jewelry
Classes in: Traditional Metal Smithing, Modern Metal Clay and Jewelry Business

Traditional Metal Smithing Classes
We offer basic metal smithing classes through more advanced techniques including stone setting.
In the basic classes, learn the properties of metals, the right tools for the job, which metals are best for which types of projects and so much more.
As you progress, keep adding new skills that can be incorporated into your work.

Precious Metal Clay
We offer metal clay classes to help you navigate the different types of clay and what type of projects they are good for, and learn the basics of how to work effectively with the clay. We also teach advanced techniques, including methods to combine with metal smithing and traditional stones setting techniques.

Class Locations:
Missoula, MT: Even though we are now located in beautiful Joseph, Oregon, I am still teaching class in Missoula at both The Lifelong Learning Center and a private studio. If there is a class you are interested in taking in Missoula, let me know.
Joseph, OR: I am teaching classes at my new studio in Joseph, OR. We are in the process of a little remodel of my studio to expand the student area. If you are intetested in private or very small group classes let me know and we can work up a single or multi-day program customized for you.
Sitka Center for Art and Ecology: I will once again be teaching out at the beautiful Sitka art center on the Oregon coast in late May early June.
As always if you have questions, please let me know. You can use the contact form below or email me at info @ donamiller.com (take out the spaces).
Contact me about classes at studio @ donamiller.com (take out the spaces) or use the form below.